Sunday, November 02, 2008

the garbage collectors

it maybe a lowly job
the society's offering
at the lowest base
collecting the garbage
those rubbish, the thrown-aways.... you know

no one thinks much about
those garbage collectors
their contribution, their sufferance
being buried in these heaps of rubbish
making the city clean
they having to smell the sting
having to take the decays
and the worthless thrown-aways
they do the job well

at the wee hours of the morning dawn
while those in their sleepy heads ...sleep
they are out there sweeping
collecting the garbage and sting
be trucked away and burnt
preventing this society from diseases and ills

their contribution.... though lowly
an honourable job
be respected
but what they have done is
unheard of, the society does not even mention!
'who cares?!
such is the fade of this working lot
these gracious humans should be treated otherwise and be thankful to them
maybe if they are not worth to be respected
who else ? on the contrary
be treated even better respect
if it is not them

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